RemoteControl is available using json for transport and exposes the following functionality:
     * Activate survey (RPC function)
     * Return the result of the activation
     * Failure status : Invalid Survey ID, Constistency check error, Activation Error, Invalid session key, No permission
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to be activated
     * @return array in case of success result of the activation
     * Activate survey participants (RPC function)
     * Initialise the survey participant table of a survey where new participant tokens may be later added.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iSurveyID ID of the Survey where a survey participants table will be created for
     * @param array $aAttributeFields  An array of integer describing any additional attribute fields
     * @return array Status=>OK when successful, otherwise the error description
     * Add empty page with minimum details (RPC function)
     * Used as a placeholder for importing questions.
     * Returns the groupid of the created page.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to add the group
     * @param string $sGroupTitle Name of the group
     * @param string $sGroupDescription     Optional description of the group
     * @return array|int The id of the new group - Or status
     * Add a survey language (RPC function)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iSurveyID ID of the Survey for which a survey participants table will be created
     * @param string $sLanguage  A valid language shortcut to add to the current Survey. If the language already exists no error will be given.
     * @return array Status=>OK when successful, otherwise the error description
     * Add participants to the survey.
     * The parameters $aParticipantData is a 2 dimensionnal array containing needed participant data.
     * @see \Token for all available attribute,
     * @example : `[ {"email":"","lastname":"Bond","firstname":"James"},{"email":"","attribute_1":"example"} ]`
     * Returns the inserted data including additional new information like the Token entry ID and the token string. In case of errors in some data, return it in errors.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey
     * @param array $aParticipantData Data of the participants to be added
     * @param bool $bCreateToken Optional - Defaults to true and determins if the access token automatically created
     * @return array The values added
     * Add a response to the survey responses collection.
     * Returns the id of the inserted survey response
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to insert responses
     * @param array $aResponseData The actual response
     * @return int|array The response ID or an array with status message (can include result_id)
     * @todo Need to clean up return array, especially the case when response was added but file not uploaded.
     * @todo See discussion:
     * Add an empty survey with minimum details
     * This just tries to create an empty survey with the minimal settings.
     * Failure status: Invalid session key, No permission, Faulty parameters, Creation Failed result
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID The desired ID of the Survey to add
     * @param string $sSurveyTitle Title of the new Survey
     * @param string $sSurveyLanguage Default language of the Survey
     * @param string $sformat (optional) Question appearance format (A, G or S) for "All on one page", "Group by Group", "Single questions", default to group by group (G)
     * @return int|array The survey id in case of success
     * Copy survey (RPC function)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID_org Id of the source survey
     * @param string $sNewname name of the new survey
     * @return array On success: new $iSurveyID in array['newsid']. On failure array with error information
     * */
     * Import a participant into the DigitellSurvey CPDB
     * It stores attributes as well, if they are registered before within ui
     * Call the function with $response = $myJSONRPCClient->cpd_importParticipants( $sessionKey, $aParticipants);
     * @param int $sSessionKey
     * @param array $aParticipants
     * [[0] => ["email"=>"","firstname"=>"max","lastname"=>"mustermann"]]
     * @return array with status
     * Delete a page from a chosen survey (RPC function)
     * Returns the id of the deleted group.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey that the group belongs
     * @param int $iGroupID ID of the group to delete
     * @return array|int The ID of the deleted group or status
     * Delete a language from a survey (RPC function)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iSurveyID ID of the Survey for which a survey participants table will be created
     * @param string $sLanguage A valid language shortcut to delete from the current Survey. If the language does not exist in that Survey no error will be given.
     * @return array Status=>OK when successful, otherwise the error description
     * Delete multiple participants from the survey participants table (RPC function)
     * Returns the id of the deleted token
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey that the participants belong to
     * @param array $aTokenIDs ID of the tokens/participants to delete
     * @return array Result of deletion
     * Delete question from a survey (RPC function)
     * Returns the id of the deleted question.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iQuestionID ID of the Question to delete
     * @return array|int ID of the deleted Question or status
     * Delete a survey.
     * Failure status: Invalid session key, No permission
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID The ID of the Survey to be deleted
     * @return array Returns status : status are OK in case of success
     * Export responses in base64 encoded string
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey
     * @param string $sDocumentType any format available by plugins (for example : pdf, csv, xls, doc, json)
     * @param string $sLanguageCode (optional) The language to be used
     * @param string $sCompletionStatus (optional) 'complete','incomplete' or 'all' - defaults to 'all'
     * @param string $sHeadingType (optional) 'code','full' or 'abbreviated' Optional defaults to 'code'
     * @param string $sResponseType (optional)'short' or 'long' Optional defaults to 'short'
     * @param integer $iFromResponseID (optional)
     * @param integer $iToResponseID (optional)
     * @param array $aFields (optional) Selected fields
     * @return array|string On success: Requested file as base 64-encoded string. On failure array with error information
     * */
     * Export token response in a survey.
     * Returns the requested file as base64 encoded string
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey
     * @param string $sDocumentType pdf, csv, xls, doc, json
     * @param string $sToken The token for which responses needed
     * @param string $sLanguageCode The language to be used
     * @param string $sCompletionStatus Optional 'complete','incomplete' or 'all' - defaults to 'all'
     * @param string $sHeadingType 'code','full' or 'abbreviated' Optional defaults to 'code'
     * @param string $sResponseType 'short' or 'long' Optional defaults to 'short'
     * @param array $aFields Optional Selected fields
     * @return array|string On success: Requested file as base 64-encoded string. On failure array with error information
     * Export survey statistics (RPC function)
     * Allow to export statistics available Returns string - base64 encoding of the statistics.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey
     * @param string $docType (optional) Type of documents the exported statistics should be (pdf|xls|html)
     * @param string $sLanguage (optional) language of the survey to use (default from Survey)
     * @param string $graph (optional) Create graph option (default : no)
     * @param int|array $groupIDs (optional) array or integer containing the groups we choose to generate statistics from
     * @return string|array in case of success : Base64 encoded string with the statistics file
     * Export submission timeline (RPC function)
     * Returns an array of values (count and period)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey
     * @param string $sType (day|hour)
     * @param string $dStart
     * @param string $dEnd
     * @return array On success: The timeline. On failure array with error information
     * */
     * Get the properties of a survey page (RPC function)
     * Returns array of properties needed or all properties
     * @see \QuestionGroup for available properties
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iGroupID Id of the group to get properties of
     * @param array  $aGroupSettings The properties to get
     * @return array in case of success the requested values in array
     * Get survey language properties (RPC function)
     * @see \SurveyLanguageSetting for available properties
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey
     * @param array|null $aSurveyLocaleSettings (optional) Properties to get, default to all attributes
     * @param string|null $sLang (optional) Language to use, default to Survey->language
     * @return array in case of success The requested values
     * Get settings of a survey participant (RPC function)
     * Allow to request for a specific participant. If more than one participant is returned with specified attribute(s) an error is returned.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to get token properties
     * @param array|int $aTokenQueryProperties of participant properties used to query the participant, or the token id as an integer
     * @param array $aTokenProperties The properties to get
     * @return array The requested values
     * Get properties of a question in a survey.
     * @see \Question for available properties.
     * Some more properties are available_answers, subquestions, attributes, attributes_lang, answeroptions, answeroptions_multiscale, defaultvalue
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iQuestionID ID of the question to get properties
     * @param array $aQuestionSettings (optional) properties to get, default to all
     * @param string $sLanguage (optional) parameter language for multilingual questions, default are \Survey->language
     * @return array The requested values
     * Find response IDs given a survey ID and a token (RPC function)
     * @param string $sSessionKey
     * @param int $iSurveyID
     * @param string $sToken
     * @return array
     * Create and return a session key.
     * Using this function you can create a new XML-RPC/JSON-RPC session key.
     * This is mandatory for all following LSRC2 function calls.
     * * In case of success : Return the session key in string
     * * In case of error:
     *     * for protocol-level errors (invalid format etc), an error message.
     *     * For invalid username and password, returns a null error and the result body contains a 'status' name-value pair with the error message.
     * @access public
     * @param string $username
     * @param string $password
     * @param string $plugin to be used
     * @return string|array
     * Get a global setting
     * Function to query site settings. Can only be used by super administrators.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth Credentials
     * @param string $sSetttingName Name of the setting to get
     * @return string|array The requested value or an array with the error in case of error
     * Get survey summary, regarding token usage and survey participation (RPC function)
     * Returns the requested value as string, or all status in an array
     * Available status are
     * * For Survey stats
     *     * completed_responses
     *     * incomplete_responses
     *     * full_responses
     * * For token part
     *     * token_count
     *     * token_invalid
     *     * token_sent
     *     * token_opted_out
     *     * token_completed
     *     * token_screenout
     * All available status can be sent using `all`
     * Failure status : No available data, No such property, Invalid session key, No permission
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to get summary
     * @param string $sStatName (optional) Name of the summary option, or all to send all in an array (all by default)
     * @return string|array in case of success the requested value or an array of all values
     * Get survey properties (RPC function)
     * Get properties of a survey
     * All internal properties of a survey are available.
     * @see \Survey for the list of available properties
     * Failure status : Invalid survey ID, Invalid session key, No permission, No valid Data
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID The id of the Survey to be checked
     * @param array|null $aSurveySettings (optional) The properties to get
     * @return array
     * Obtain all uploaded files for all responses
     * @access public
     * @param string  $sSessionKey  Auth credentials
     * @param int     $iSurveyID    ID of the Survey
     * @param int     $sToken       Response token
     * @return array On success: array containing all uploads of the specified response
     *               On failure: array with error information
     * Import a group and add to a survey (RPC function)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID The ID of the Survey that the group will belong
     * @param string $sImportData String containing the BASE 64 encoded data of a lsg,csv
     * @param string $sImportDataType  lsg,csv
     * @param string $sNewGroupName  Optional new name for the group
     * @param string $sNewGroupDescription  Optional new description for the group
     * @return array|integer iGroupID  - ID of the new group or status
     * Import question (RPC function)
     * Import a question from lsq file
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey
     * @param int $iSurveyID The ID of the Survey that the question will belong to
     * @param int $iGroupID The ID of the Group that the question will belong to
     * @param string $sImportData String containing the BASE 64 encoded data of a lsq
     * @param string $sImportDataType  lsq
     * @param string $sMandatory (optional) Mandatory question option (default to No)
     * @param string $sNewQuestionTitle  (optional) new title for the question
     * @param string $sNewqQuestion (optional) new question text
     * @param string $sNewQuestionHelp (optional) new question help text
     * @return array|integer The id of the new question in case of success. Array if errors
     * Import survey in a known format (RPC function)
     * Allow importing lss, csv, xls or survey zip archive in BASE 64 encoded.
     * Failure status: Invalid session key, No permission, The import error
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth Credentials
     * @param string $sImportData String containing the BASE 64 encoded data of a lss, csv, txt or survey lsa archive
     * @param string $sImportDataType lss, csv, txt or lsa
     * @param string $sNewSurveyName (optional) The optional new name of the survey
     * @param integer $DestSurveyID  (optional) This is the new ID of the survey - if already used a random one will be taken instead
     * @return int|array The ID of the new survey in case of success
     * Invite participants in a survey (RPC function)
     * Returns array of results of sending
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the survey that participants belong
     * @param array $aTokenIds Ids of the participant to invite
     * @param bool $bEmail Send only pending invites (TRUE) or resend invites only (FALSE)
     * @return array Result of the action
     * Get survey pages (RPC function)
     * Returns the ids and all attributes of all survey pages
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey containing the groups
     * @return array in case of success the list of groups
     * Return the IDs and properties of survey participants (RPC function)
     * If $bUnused is true, user will get the list of uncompleted tokens (token_return functionality).
     * Parameters iStart and iLimit are used to limit the number of results of this call.
     * By default return each participant with basic information
     * * tid : the token id
     * * token : the token for this participant
     * * participant_info : an array with firstname, lastname and email
     * Parameter $aAttributes can be used to add more attribute in participant_info array
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to list participants
     * @param int $iStart Start id of the token list
     * @param int  $iLimit Number of participants to return
     * @param bool $bUnused If you want unused tokens, set true
     * @param bool|array $aAttributes The extented attributes that we want
     * @param array $aConditions Optional conditions to limit the list, e.g. with array('email' => '')
     * @return array The list of tokens
     * Return the ids and info of (sub-)questions of a survey/group (RPC function)
     * Returns array of ids and info.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to list questions
     * @param int $iGroupID Optional id of the group to list questions
     * @param string $sLanguage Optional parameter language for multilingual questions
     * @return array The list of questions
     * List the survey belonging to a user (RPC function)
     * If user is admin he can get surveys of every user (parameter sUser) or all surveys (sUser=null)
     * Else only the surveys belonging to the user requesting will be shown.
     * Returns array with
     * * `sid` the ids of survey
     * * `surveyls_title` the title of the survey
     * * `startdate` start date
     * * `expires` expiration date
     * * `active` if survey is active (Y) or not (!Y)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param string|null $sUsername (optional) username to get list of surveys
     * @return array In case of success the list of surveys
 * Get list the ids and info of administration user(s) (RPC function)
 * Returns array of ids and info.
 * Failure status : No users found, Invalid session key, No permission (super admin is required)
 * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
 * @param int $uid Optional parameter user id.
 * @return array The list of users in case of success
     * Send e-mails to registered participants in a survey (RPC function)
     * Returns array of results of sending
     * Default behaviour is to send register emails to not invited, not reminded, not completed and in valid frame date participant.
     * $overrideAllConditions replaces this default conditions for selecting the participants. A typical use case is to select only one participant
     * ````
     * $overrideAllConditions = Array();
     * $overrideAllConditions[] = 'tid = 2';
     * $response = $myJSONRPCClient->mail_registered_participants( $sessionKey, $survey_id, $overrideAllConditions );
     * ````
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey that participants belong
     * @param array $overrideAllConditions replace the default conditions
     * @return array Result of the action
     * Close the RPC session
     * Using this function you can close a previously opened XML-RPC/JSON-RPC session.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey the session key
     * @return string OK
     * Send a reminder to participants in a survey (RPC function)
     * Returns array of results of sending
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey that participants belong
     * @param int $iMinDaysBetween (optional) parameter days from last reminder
     * @param int $iMaxReminders (optional) parameter Maximum reminders count
     * @param array $aTokenIds Ids of the participant to remind (optional filter)
     * @return array in case of success array of result of each email send action and count of invitations left to send in status key
     * Set group properties (RPC function)
     * @see \QuestionGroup for available properties and restriction
     * Some attribute can not be set
     * * sid
     * * gid
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iGroupID  - ID of the Survey
     * @param array $aGroupData - An array with the particular fieldnames as keys and their values to set on that particular survey
     * @return array Of succeeded and failed modifications according to internal validation.
     * Set survey language properties (RPC function)
     * @see \SurveyLanguageSetting for available properties.
     * Some properties can not be set
     * * surveyls_language
     * * surveyls_survey_id
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iSurveyID  - ID of the Survey
     * @param array $aSurveyLocaleData - An array with the particular fieldnames as keys and their values to set on that particular survey
     * @param string $sLanguage - Optional - Language to update  - if not given the base language of the particular survey is used
     * @return array in case of success 'status'=>'OK', when save successful otherwise error text.
     * Set properties of a survey participant (RPC function)
     * Allow to set properties about a specific participant, only one particpant can be updated.
     * @see \Token for available properties
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID Id of the Survey that participants belong
     * @param array|int $aTokenQueryProperties of participant properties used to query the participant, or the token id as an integer
     * @param array $aTokenData Data to change
     * @return array Result of the change action
     * Set question properties.
     * @see \Question for available properties.
     * Restricted properties:
     * * qid
     * * gid
     * * sid
     * * parent_qid
     * * language
     * * type
     * * question_order in some condition (with dependecies)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iQuestionID  - ID of the question
     * @param array $aQuestionData - An array with the particular fieldnames as keys and their values to set on that particular question
     * @param string $sLanguage Optional parameter language for multilingual questions
     * @return array Of succeeded and failed modifications according to internal validation.
     * Set quota attributes (RPC function)
     * Retuns an array containing the boolean 'success' and 'message' with either errors or Quota attributes (on success)
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iQuotaId Quota ID
     * @param array $aQuotaData Quota attributes as array eg ['active'=>1,'limit'=>100]
     * @return array ['success'=>bool, 'message'=>string]
     * Set survey properties (RPC function)
     * @see \Survey for the list of available properties
     * Properties available are restricted
     * * Always
     *     * sid
     *     * active
     *     * language
     *     * additional_languages
     * * If survey is active
     *     * anonymized
     *     * datestamp
     *     * savetimings
     *     * ipaddr
     *     * refurl
     * In case of partial success : return an array with key as properties and value as boolean , true if saved with success.
     * Failure status : Invalid survey ID, Invalid session key, No permission, No valid Data
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param integer $iSurveyID - ID of the Survey
     * @param array $aSurveyData - An array with the particular fieldnames as keys and their values to set on that particular Survey
     * @return array Of succeeded and failed nodifications according to internal validation
     * Update a response in a given survey.
     * Routine supports only single response updates.
     * Response to update will be identified either by the response id, or the token if response id is missing.
     * Routine is only applicable for active surveys with alloweditaftercompletion = Y.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID Id of the Survey to update response
     * @param array $aResponseData The actual response
     * @return string|boolean TRUE(bool) on success. errormessage on error
     * Uploads one file to be used later.
     * Returns the metadata on success.
     * @access public
     * @param string $sSessionKey Auth credentials
     * @param int $iSurveyID ID of the Survey to insert file
     * @param string $sFieldName the Field to upload file
     * @param string $sFileName the uploaded file name
     * @param string $sFileContent the uploaded file content encoded as BASE64
     * @return array The file metadata with final upload path or error description